LUKE HART COUNCIL, Our Lady of Mount Carmel PArish, 400 St. Laurent blvd., ottawa, ont., canada, (613) 748-6040
In Memoria:
The Council would like to recognize the passing of Br. Hector Therrien who passed away in 2019. He was an Honorary Life Member and very well thought of by many Council Members.
The Council recognizes the passing of John Curry. Br. John was an Honorary Life Member and a retired Member of the Canadian Armed Forces. He was active in the Church and the Council.
Coats for Kids Program
This year Council 5558 donated 2 boxes of coats for kids to Our Lady of Mount Carmel School and 2 boxes to St. Brigid's School. This is a 100% increase over our participation last year. Congratulations to everyone involved in this effort.
Car Raffle Tickets
Tickets can be purchased at the Hall on Cummings Avenue. As well, books of tickets are available to Brother Knights to sell. The draw is in May 2020. Tickets are $5.00 each.
Members of Luke Hart Council received the Food for Families award after donating over 1,000.00 dollars this year to the Ottawa Food Bank. As well several members graciously donate their time to help out at the food bank several days a week.
Br. James Beattie after 30 years as a Knight receives his Honourary Life Membership card from Grand Knight Wayne Mousseau. Congratulations Brother